Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Medicare and Texas Health Insurance Plans

There are many big health insurance companies that offer Texas health insurance plans. Blue Cross and Blue Shield is one such company. There are many changes that are happening in health care though that will greatly affect companies, like Blue Cross and Blue Shield, which offer plans with Medicare. No one is sure what changes will be happening to Medicare but people are certain of which things will not be changing with it. Medicare is not being cut, seniors are not going to be encouraged to die and the system will not become a socialist one.

People who have Texas health insurance plans through Blue Cross and Blue Shield will not be losing their Medicare benefits when the system is changed. There have been many rumors in the media about how Medicare will be cut. There have also been many people who have tried to combat these rumors. They are trying to get out a truthful and informational message to the people so that they can know what is actually happening to Medicare. Basically what is happening is that the government is cutting some programs from Medicare that are over funded and under used. Although some people may really like having certain Medicare benefits out of their Texas health insurance plans, and may be upset at the idea of losing those benefits, some cuts are truly necessary or the program will completely run out of money.

There are other rumors that are circulating about what new Texas health insurance plans will be like. Some particularly vicious rumors say that the government is setting up death panels. This too is completely false. The government has no intention of killing off the elderly and any claim to that end is a complete fabrication. The truth of what the government is doing is setting up a program that allows patients to discuss end of life care with their doctors. People with Texas health insurance plans will be eligible for this program when it is ready. Without this option, the way things have been done in the past is to do everything possible to keep a person alive as long as possible regardless of what he or she may want. Many people do not want this future for themselves and that is why this is so important.

Although the government is changing the way Texas health insurance plans are, this does not mean that the system is becoming a socialist one. Socialism and government involvement are very separate things. There needs to be some government involvement in any place where the public’s safety is concerned. If this was a case of food not being properly handled or airports not having proper security, no one would bat and eye at the thought of the government making certain rules.

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